B2G Platform
To push the pro-growth agenda forward, AmCham Ukraine created a solid Policy platform covering key spheres of the economy. AmCham Ukraine B2G activities revolve around the work of 24 sector-specific Policy Committees, 5 Working Groups, 2 Clubs and Hubs, Forum for Leading International Financial Institutions, and Solid Excisable Task Force. The Policy platform fosters the dialogue between AmCham Ukraine member companies and state authorities at all levels as well as stakeholders in politics, business, and civil society.
The committee’s mission is to support and promote development of a market-based Agricultural sector as the core for the overall development of Ukraine’s economy
Banking & Finance
The committee’s mission is to actively participate in the development of the Ukrainian banking system, promoting high-quality banking standards. It aims to bolster and propel the initiatives led by the Ukrainian central bank in fostering a domestic financial sector that aligns seamlessly with the highest international benchmarks
The committee’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of Ukraine's competition law and enforcement practices in line with best international standards in order to promote competition and facilitate doing business
Consumer Goods
The committee’s mission is to provide necessary support and expertise to the current players of FMCG market as well as bring new investors through contribution to establishment of favorable regulatory environment for consumer products businesses
Customs & Trade Facilitation
The committee has been established to contribute to development of the customs legislation that would be simple, modern and adaptable
Distributed Generation
The committee’s mission is to advocate for transparency and stability on Ukrainian renewable energy market, creating favorable and fair business climate as well as incentives to invest in renewables both for domestic and international companies
Clubs & Hubs
Business Resilience & Industrial Security Hub
Business Resilience & Industrial Security Hub has been established to enhance the resilience and security of local and foreign businesses united by AmCham Ukraine. The Hub will serve as a platform for sharing experience and best practices, discussing forecasts and challenges, and developing strategies to mitigate business risks in the current wartime environment
Compliance Club
Compliance Club members discuss challenges and opportunities for the introduction of effective compliance system, in particular establishment of a compliance system in Ukraine considering the positive experience of foreign countries
Corporate Social Responsibility Hub
The platform for building B2B relationships and expanding the network of like-minded CSR professionals for future cooperation and best practices sharing
GR Professionals Network
The platform is created to share and implement transparent GR and government advocacy practices based on international standards in Ukraine. It aims to operate as a network for business community and state authorities for discussion and development of GR practices and government advocacy, based on ethics and zero tolerance to corruption
Healthcare Marketing HUB
Healthcare Marketing HUB is launched to share the innovative ideas, developments of the healthcare sphere’s vectors and tracking new market trends among industry professionals from leading companies
Success Stories

Policy Progress: Cabinet of Ministers Regulated Circulation of Medicinal Products Considering New Labeling Requirements

Policy Progress: Parliamentary Committee on Digital Transformation Recommended Parliament to Return Draft Law #12112 for Revision

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #11443 on Harmonizing Current Legislation regarding Legal Entities' Liability for Corruption Criminal Offenses with International Standards

Policy Progress: Government Adopted a Resolution on Changing the Mandatory Share of Imported Electricity by Enterprises for Uninterrupted Electricity Supply

Policy Progress: The Ministry of Energy Finalized the Draft Resolution regarding Creating a Natural Gas Insurance Reserve by Taking into Account the Chamber Member Companies’ Position

Government Renewed Procedure for Conscripts’ Reservation through "Diia" Portal Starting December 1, 2024

Parliament Passed Draft Law #11443 on Harmonizing Current Legislation regarding Legal Entities' Liability for Corruption Criminal Offenses with International Standards in the First Reading

President Signed Law on Peculiarities of Tax Administration during Martial Law for Taxpayers with High Level of Voluntary Compliance with Tax Legislation

Policy Progress: Draft Law #7508 on Attracting Private Investment Using Mechanism of Public-Private Partnership Was Recommended for Adoption in the Second Reading

Policy Win: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Adopted the Resolution #782 Extending the GPA Provisions to the Procurement of Goods Regardless of the Application Threshold

Policy Win: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Adopted the Resolution #650 “On Certain Issues of Conscripts’ Reservation during Martial Law”

Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development Supported AmCham Ukraine Initiative on Priority Border Crossing for Authorized Economic Operators

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #9319 on Stimulating Digital Economy Development in the First Reading

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #11084 on Tax Administration Simplifications for Bona Fide Taxpayers in the First Reading

President of Ukraine Signed the Law #3633-IX regarding Military Service, Mobilization, and Military Registration

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #9083 on Deregulation and De-Shadowing of Used Vehicle Trade Market in the First Reading

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #5865 Amending the Law of Ukraine “On State Regulation of Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets”

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #9627 on Investments Attraction for Ukraine’s Rapid Reconstruction

Policy Progress: Business Welcomes Government's Decision to Support Experimental Project on Certification of Mine Action Operators

Policy Win: Introduction of Gradual Restriction on Content of Phosphates and Other Phosphorus Compounds in Detergents Is Postponed

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #9573 on Streamlining Mechanism for Transferring Underwater Hydraulic Structures into State Ownership in the First Reading

Policy Progress: Chamber Proposals Were Partially Taken into Account as a Result of Open Discussion of Draft Resolution "Procedure for the Functioning of Insider Information Platforms"

Policy Progress: Draft Cabinet of Ministers’ Resolution Suggests for Increase of Minimum Retail Price for Cider and Perry

Policy Progress: Draft Law #10088 regarding Priority Measures to Reform Economic Security Bureau Was Registered in Parliament

Policy Win: Cabinet of Ministers Approved New Methodology for Determining Ultimate Beneficial Owner by Legal Entity

Policy Win: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Adopted Amendments to Resolution #1092 on Authorizations Granting

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #8138 regarding Support of Investment Projects with Significant Investments in Ukraine

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #9266 on Electronic Agricultural Receipts as a Basis in the First Reading

Policy Win: President of Ukraine Signed the Law #3200-IX on the Obligation to Register Electronic Cabinets for Participation in Legal Proceedings

Policy Win: Cabinet of Ministers Adopted Resolutions Extending Reimbursement Program to Medical Devices

Policy Progress: AmCham Ukraine Signed Memorandum on Implementation of National Medicines Verification System in Ukraine

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #9011-d on Restoration and Green Transformation of Ukraine’s Energy System

Policy Win: NBU Lifts Restriction to Transfer Funds Abroad to Repay Certain Categories of External Loans

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #8290 on Improving State Regulation of Food Safety and Livestock

Policy Win: The State Regulatory Service of Ukraine did not Approve the Draft Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine "On Approval of Requirements to Business Entities, which Intend to Perform Examination of the State of Labor Protection etc."

Policy Win: The Cabinet of Ministers Recommended the NBU to Ensure the Implementation of Transfers on Tourism Services Import Operations

Policy Win: EU Parliament’s International Trade Committee Members Supported Extension of EU’s Suspension of Import Duties on Ukrainian Exports

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed in the First Reading Draft Law #8137 Amending the Tax Code on Taxation of Controlled Foreign Companies

Criteria for Determining Importance of Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations for National Economy in Agricultural Field in Special Period Were Expanded

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Amendments to Ukraine’s Tax Code regarding Definition of List of Territories where Hostilities Are Taking Place, or which Are Temporarily Occupied

Policy Win: Veterinary Control Procedure for Ukrainian Agricultural Products Crossing the Ukrainian-Polish Border Was Simplified

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #8172 on Development of Electric Charging Infrastructure and Electric Vehicles

Policy Progress: The National Bank of Ukraine Expanded Insurers’ Possibilities to Pay Reinsurance Premiums Abroad

Policy Win: Government Adopted Resolution on Territories List Where Hostilities are Conducted, or Which are Temporarily Occupied

Policy Win: Draft Law #4187 on Development of National Industries of Subsoil Usage Was Adopted in the Second Reading

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #3680-d Improving the Legislation on Plant Varieties Registration and Seeds Certification

Policy Progress: Draft Law regarding Extending the Commissioning Period of Renewable Energy Facilities Was Registered in the Parliament

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #7687 on Reservation of Conscripts for the Period of Mobilization and Martial Law

Policy Progress: Complex Draft Law #8150 regarding Food & Feed Safety, Veterinary Medicine, and Animal Welfare Was Registered in the Parliament

Policy Win: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law #6482 on Voluntariness of Women's Military Registration

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #5616 regarding Geographical Indications for Agricultural and Food Products

Policy Progress: The National Bank of Ukraine Simplified Some Currency Restrictions on the Use of Corporate Cards

Policy Progress: Ukraine Will Be Invited to the Customs Conventions on Common Transit Procedure (NCTS) and Facilitation of Trade in Goods

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #6070-1 Unblocking Certification of New Types of Agricultural Machinery

Policy Win: Government Extended Usage Period of Advanced Electronic Signatures and Stamps Based on Qualified Public Key Certificates

Policy Progress: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Suspended State Pricing Regulation of Petroleum Products

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #7282 on Priority Measures for Reforming Urban Development Sphere in the Second Reading

Parliament Passed Draft Law #7264 on Uninterrupted Production & Supply of Agricultural Products during the Martial Law in the First Reading

Policy Win: Updated List of Inland Marine Waters and Inland Waterways Classified as Navigable Was Adopted

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #6306 on Improving the Provision of Medical Care in the First Reading

Policy Success: Number of Additional Permits for International Road Freight Transportation in 2022 Will Be Increased

Policy Win: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law #5090 on Regulation of Public-Private Partnership, incl. Concession

Policy Win: Business Community’s Proposals Were Included in Amendments to Order #316 regarding Rules for Wastewater Acceptance to Sewerage

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #6070-1 Unblocking Certification of New Types of Agricultural Machinery in the First Reading

Policy Win: Parliament Supported Provisions Advocated by the Chamber in Adopted Draft Law #5376 on Diia City

Policy Progress: National Bank Amended the Procedure for Assessing the Amount of Credit Risk by Ukrainian Banks

Policy Progress: National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities Repeatedly Postponed the Implementation of the Neutrality Fee

Policy Progress: Parliament Voted for Withdrawal from Consideration of Draft Law #5600 on Amendments to the Tax Code

Policy Win: Parliament Supported the Chamber Proposal to Prevent Implementation of Additional Unreasonable Pressure on Taxpayers during VAT Refund Process

Policy Progress: Government Adopted Resolution on Availability of Electronic Residence Permits in Ukraine in Diia Application

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #2553 on Transition to Natural Gas Accounting in Energy Units

Policy Progress: Cabinet of Ministers Made Important Step to Resolve Issue of Debt Repayment for Green Tariff

Policy Win: Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade Cancels Application of Special Measures on Import of Wires to Ukraine

Policy Win: The Cabinet of Ministers Adopted Resolution #1002 Amending Licensing Conditions for Business Activities in Production of Medicines

Policy Win: President Signed Draft Law #5807 Postponing Deadline for Disclosing Information on Ultimate Beneficial Owner

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #4662 on Possibility of Medicines' Procurement via Managed Entry Agreements

Policy Progress: Ministry for Communities and Territories Development Published the Amendments to Order #316 regarding Rules for Wastewater Acceptance to Sewerage

President of Ukraine Signed the Law #1586-ІХ that Gives Ukrainian Farmers Access to High-Quality and Innovative Crop Protection Products

Policy Win: Parliament Supported Cleansing of High Council of Justice while Adopting Draft Law #5068

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed the Updated Draft Law #3091 “On State Ecological Control” in the First Reading

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #4572 on State-Owned Enterprises Reform and FDI Attracting in the Process of Privatization in the First Reading

Policy Win: The Parliament Maintained Reduced 14% VAT on Transactions for Supply of Certain Types of Agricultural Products

Policy Win: Parliament Provided for the Right of Casting Votes of International Experts while Adopting Draft Law #3711-d

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #4554 regarding Baby Food Regulation in the First Reading

Policy Win: The Parliament Unblocked Import of Innovative Crop Protection Products by Adopting Draft Law #2289

Policy Win: Ministry of Health Approved Order #1156 regarding Submission of Proposals to the Nomenclature of Procurement of Medicines and Medical Devices

Policy Progress: Parliamentary Committee on Financial Issues, Tax and Customs Policy Supported AmCham Proposals to Draft Law #5420

Policy Progress: Draft CMU Resolution on Establishing Categories of Hotels and Other Facilities Was Published by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Policy Progress: Draft Law #5590 Reducing the VAT Rate for Restaurants Was Registered in the Parliament

Policy Progress: Draft Law #5094 on Legislative Regulation in the Field of Outdoor Advertising Was Passed in the First Reading

Policy Progress: Draft Law #4568 “On Materials Contacting with Food Products” Was Passed in the First Reading

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed in the First Reading the Draft Law #4662 on Possibility of Medicines’ Procurement via Managed Entry Agreements

Policy Progress: Draft Law #5376 Amending the Tax Code regarding Stimulation of Digital Economy Development in Ukraine was Passed in the First Reading

Policy Progress: Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture Developed the Draft Law on Temporary Exemption of White Sugar from Import Duty

Policy Progress: The Parliamentary Committee on Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Recommended Passing the Updated Draft Law #3091 “On State Ecological Control” as a Basis

Policy Win: Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade Took a Decision on Inexpediency for Launching a Special Investigation of Import of Certain Dairy Products in Ukraine

Policy Win: Transition Period for Introduction of Packaged Products in Turnover was Extended for Two Years

Policy Win: Ministry of Health Established Working Group on Implementation of Technical Regulation on Cosmetics

Policy Progress: The Parliamentary Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy Recommended Passing Draft Law #4554 on Baby Food Regulation as a Basis

Policy Progress: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law #3087-d "On the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine"

Policy Progress: Ministry of Finance Issued Integrated Tax Consultation on Application of Certain Tax Code Provisions

Policy Win: The National Bank of Ukraine Abolished Currency Restrictions on Forward Forex Sales by Corporate Clients

Policy Win: The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Adopted Resolution #1300 on Health Technology Assessment

Policy Win: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law #3176 Allowing Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine to Purchase Gas for Balancing Needs on the Exchange

Policy Win: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law #1182-1-d "On Inland Water Transport" in the Second Reading

Policy Progress: Draft Law #2289 Aimed at Unblocking the Import of Innovative Plant Protection Products for Research and State Testing was Passed in the First Reading

Policy Win: Pension Fund Issued Clarification Providing for Certain Simplification in Mobile Telecom Sector’s Reporting

Policy Win: The Parliament Made the First Step to Resolve Crisis of Non-Payments between State Companies Operating on the Electricity Market

Policy Win: The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine Welcomes the Approval of SE “Medical Procurement of Ukraine” as Centralized Health Procurement Organization

Policy Win: National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities Postponed the Implementation of the Neutrality Fee

Policy Progress: The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine Welcomes the Step Towards Digitalization in Agricultural Sphere

Policy Progress: The Draft Law #4162 on Fundamental Principles of Tourism Development Was Registered in the Parliament

Policy Win: The Government Approved a New Methodology for Determining the Initial Price of Subsoil Use Licenses

Policy Progress: Ministry of Health of Ukraine Published Draft CMU Resolution on Managed Entry Agreements

Policy Progress: The Parliament Passed the Draft Law on Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine on the VAT Rate on Transactions for the Supply of Certain Types of Agricultural Products in the First Reading

Policy Progress: The Government Approved the List of Specialized Organizations, Authorized for State Procurement of Goods and Services in 2020

Policy Win: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law #3615-1 on Electronic Retail Trade of Pharmaceutical Products

Policy Progress: The Parliament Passed the Draft Law #3851 on State Support for the Cultural Sphere in the First Reading

Draft Law Restricting Certain Movement of Freight Transport Was Withdrawn from Parliament’s Consideration

Policy Progress: The Parliament Passed the Draft Law #3623 on Digitalization in Labor Sphere in the First Reading

Policy Progress: Annex to the Memorandum of Understanding Was Signed Approving the Maximum Export Volumes of Wheat for 2020/2021 Marketing Year

Policy Progress: The Antimonopoly Committee Obliged “Ukrzaliznytsia” to Refrain from Practices of Recognizing Railway Stations as Low-Density Ones

Policy Win: The Ministry of Health Harmonized Regulation of Contaminants in Food Products with EU Norms

Government Supports a Proposal by the Business Community to Lift Restrictions on the Opening Hours of Cafes and Restaurants

Policy Win: Ukraine Establishes Visa-Free Regime for Citizens of Australia, New Zealand, and the Arabian Peninsula Countries

Policy Progress: The Parliament Passed Draft Law #3658 in the First Reading to Break the Deadlock in the Renewables Sector

Policy Progress: The Chamber Signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Grain Market with the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #2284 Amending Certain Laws To Attract Investment and Introduce New Financial Instruments

Policy Progress: Application of Antidumping Duty on Imported Polymers for Food Packaging was Canceled

Policy Progress: Government Developed and Registered the Draft Law #3623 on Digitalization in Labor Sphere

Policy Win: Chamber Proposals Were Included into Temporary Recommendations on Anti-Epidemic Measures in Hotels

Policy Win: Parliament adopted Draft Law #2043 “On Information Protection in Telecommunication Systems”

Policy Progress: The Parliament Took the First Step to Facilitate Conduction of Environment Impact Assessment during the Quarantine Restrictions

Policy Win: The President of Ukraine Signed the Law Strengthening the Protection of Telecommunications Networks

Policy Progress: Ministry of Economy Published Draft Amendments for Simplifying Phytosanitary Procedures for Barley Exports

Policy Progress: The Parliament Voted for Further Improvement of Draft Law #2207-1 on Waste Management

Policy Progress: The Government Postponed Medical Examinations for High-Risk Workers during Quarantine

Policy Progress: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law #2654 on Strengthening the Protection of Telecommunications Networks

Ministry of Health Approved Temporary Recommendations on Anti-Epidemic Measures for Retail as well as Cafes & Restaurants

Policy Progress: Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture Published Draft Amendments to the Rules of SI Units Application

Policy Progress: The Profile Parliamentary Committee Approved Draft Law #2654 for the Second Reading

Policy Progress: The Parliament Passed Draft Law #2654 on Strengthening the Protection of Telecommunications Networks in the First Reading

Policy Progress: European Commission Proposed to Recognize the Seed Certification System Equivalence between Ukraine & EU

Policy Progress: Annex to the Memorandum of Understanding Signed Approving the Maximum Export Volumes of Wheat for 2019/2020 MY

Policy Progress: Ukrzaliznytsia Postponed the New Agreement for the Provision of Services on Organizing Freight Transportation by Railway Transport until June 1, 2020

Policy Progress: The Antimonopoly Committee Recommended Ukrzaliznytsia to Refine Agreement on Freight Transportation by Railway Transport

Policy Win: Operator of Ukraine’s Gas Transmission System Introduced New Transit Service “Short-Haul”

Policy Progress: Ministry of Health Published Amendments to the Procedure of Disinfectants Registration

Policy Win: Kyiv State City Council Approved Draft Decision Allowing the Development of 4G in Kyiv Subway

Policy Progress: The Commission of the Kyiv City Council on Transport, Communication & Advertising Approved Draft Decision Allowing the Development of 4G in Kyiv Subway

Policy Win: The Government Simplified Procedure for Obtaining Permits for the Movement of Agricultural Machinery

Policy Progress: The Antimonopoly Committee Obliged the Ministry of Infrastructure to Develop and Approve the Methodology of Calculating Port Dues within 4 Months

Policy Progress: Government Supported Implementation of Pilot Projects on Admission of Private Traction

Policy Progress: VRU Healthcare Committee Returned Draft Law #2089 Amending Certain Legislation on Patent Law Reform for Improvement

Policy Progress: Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade & Agriculture Continues Negotiations on Discriminative Eco-Tax Rate with the Republic of Moldova

Policy Progress: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Approved and Submitted to Parliament the Draft Law "On Customs Tariff of Ukraine"

Policy Win: The Government Adopted Its Resolution on Access of Private Phytosanitary Laboratories to the Ukrainian Market

Policy Progress: The Profile VRU Committee Supported Draft Law #2235 on Strengthening Liability for Intentional Damage, Destruction, Theft of Telecom Network

Policy Progress: Draft Law on Import of Innovative Crop Protection Products for State Testing Was Recommended for the First Reading

Policy Progress: Chamber Proposals on Amendments to Code of Criminal Procedure Were Taken Into Account

Policy Progress: The Chamber Signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine

Policy Win: The Parliament Voted for Extension of Procurement of Medicinal Products via International Organizations for Two Years

Policy Progress: The Parliament Passed Draft Law #1048 on Authorized Economic Operators Concept in the First Reading

Policy Win: The National Bank of Ukraine Cancelled the Limit on Repatriation of Proceeds from Selling Securities & Equity Rights by Foreign Investors

Policy Win: The Antimonopoly Committee Obliged the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority to Eliminate Unequal Conditions while Concluding Agreements on the Agency of Ships

Policy Win: The Government Approved the Procedure for Inspection, Sampling, and Analysis of Water in Ports

Policy Progress: The State Regulatory Service Did Not Support the Automatic Indexation of Tariffs for Freight Transportation

Policy Win: The Government Approved Action Plan of the Customs Service Reform with the Chamber Proposals on Customs Procedures Improvement

Policy Progress: Chamber Proposals to the Draft Technical Regulation on Cosmetics Were Taken into Account by the Ministry of Health

Policy Win: The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Adopted the Procedure for Determining the Procurement Subject for Medical Devices

Policy Win: The Government Approved the Procedure for Interaction between the Seaport Authority and State Ecological Inspection

Policy Win: The National Bank of Ukraine Canceled the Limit for Funding Representative Offices of Ukrainian Companies Abroad

Policy Win: Simplified Procedure of Employment and Obtaining Long-Term Visa for Foreign Citizens Entered into Force

Policy Progress: The Profile VRU Committee Supported Draft Law #8544 on Strengthening the Responsibility for Damaging the Telecommunications Infrastructure

Policy Progress: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law Implementing European Standards in Technical Regulation

Policy Progress: Antimonopoly Committee Accepted Certain Chamber Proposals to the Draft Rules for Approval of Professional Ethics Codes in Competition

Policy Win: The National Bank of Ukraine Increased the Limit of Repatriation of Dividends to 12 mln EUR per Month

Policy Progress: The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food Approved New Import Requirements for Food of Animal Origin

Policy Progress: Profile Parliamentary Committee Supported Draft Law on Basic Principles of State Agricultural Policy

Policy Progress: The Ministry of Finance Supported Chamber’s Proposals on Customs Procedures Improvement

Policy Progress: The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Initiated Amendments to the Procedure for Determining the Procurement Subject for Medical Devices

Policy Win: State Service for Food Safety & Consumer Protection Clarified the English Title for Written Notices to Phytosanitary Certificates

Policy Progress: The Government Amended CMU Resolutions on Simplification of Accreditation Procedure and Licensing Conditions for the Healthcare Facilities

Policy Win:The Government Adopted Amendments to CMU Resolution #955 regarding Elimination of Marginal Mark-Up for Medical Devices

Policy Progress: Draft Law #10122 on Peculiarities of Taxation in Tourism Sector Was Registered in Parliament

Policy Progress: The Parliament Passed Draft Law #7473 on Authorized Economic Operators Concept in the First Reading

Policy Progress: Draft Law #10093 Amending Taxation Rules of International Roaming Services Was Registered in the Parliament

Policy Win: The Government Unblocked the Mechanism for Transboundary Movement of Obsolete Crop Protection Products

Policy Win: The National Bank of Ukraine Settled Important Issues Related to Cash Transactions in the National Currency

Policy Win: Kyiv City Council Approved Amendments to Its Decision on Taxation in Hospitality Sector in Kyiv

Policy Win: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law on Procedural Aspects of Investigations by the Antimonopoly Committee