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Policy Win: Chamber Proposals on Requirements to Goods Labelling are Incorporated in Legislation

Policy Win: Chamber Proposals on Requirements to Goods Labelling are Incorporated in Legislation

Official publication of the recently adopted and signed Law #2704-VIII on state language (previously Draft Law #5670-d) reflects business community’s position with regard to Article 30 regulating usage of the state language in consumers service sphere.

Experts of the Chamber Member Companies contributed to the drafting process by commenting those Draft Law’s paragraphs strengthening the requirements to information about goods (labelling) and respective transition period. Also, Chamber Members met with representatives of responsible VRU Committee on Culture and Spirituality to discuss proposed amendments to the Draft Law. The Chamber was continuously keeping communication with the Committee to ensure consideration of its position.

As a result, the following key requirements to goods labelling are to be introduced in the 18-month transition period after the Law enters into force:

  • Information is to be provided to consumers according to the Law on consumers’ rights protection
  • Such information may contain words, abbreviations and marks labelled in English with voluntary usage of Latin and/or Greek letters
  • In case Ukrainian labelling is duplicated in different languages, scope of information in Ukrainian must not be less than the scope of obligatory information required according to the Law on consumers’ rights protection

As the previous wordings of the Draft Law contained crucial restrictions to labelling the Chamber welcomes incorporation of business proposals in the adopted Law #2704-VIII on the state language. Such amendments will ensure alignment with current legislation and facilitate trade operations.

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