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Policy Win: Cabinet of Ministers Adopted Resolutions Extending Reimbursement Program to Medical Devices

Policy Win: Cabinet of Ministers Adopted Resolutions Extending Reimbursement Program to Medical Devices

On June 30, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the Resolution "On Amendments to Resolution #854 dated July 28, 2021" regarding reimbursement for medical devices and Resolution "On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the Reimbursement for Medical Devices under the Program of State Guarantees of Medical Services for the Population".

These documents introduce changes to a number of CMU acts in the part of settling issues related to the introduction of the mechanism of reimbursement of medical products.

This step means that the state will begin to compensate patients for the cost of certain medical devices under the Medical Guarantee Program. This is a significant advance in the reimbursement program, as previously this program covered only medicines.

At this stage, reimbursement will apply to test strips for measuring blood sugar of patients with type 1 diabetes. Soon the program should be fully operational and patients will be able to receive their test strips after doctor’s prescription.

This practice has demonstrated its effectiveness in the EU countries. It has an evidence base for improving the life expectancy of patients, optimizing State Budget funds in cases of long-term or lifelong treatment of chronic diseases, improving management and applying modern treatment protocols.

The business community is grateful to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the National Health Service of Ukraine for their efforts to increase the patient access to medical devices under the reimbursement program.

We also would like to thank the AmCham member companies’ experts for their professional support and readiness to continue to work to expand the list of medical devices under the medical guarantee program for the patients.

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