We are delighted to inform you that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MoH) published on its official website the latest version of the Draft CMU Resolution “On Approval of the Technical Regulation on Cosmetic Products” aimed on harmonization of the Ukrainian technical regulation of cosmetics market with corresponding EU regulations.
Chamber experts actively participated in commenting and drafting proposals to the Draft Technical Regulation a number of which were included into the latest version of the Draft Regulation:
- application of the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) in Ukraine as well as defining nomenclature as notation system, not a language
- simplification of procedure of cosmetic product dossier (product information file) submitting to the state control authority
- simplification of procedure of the cosmetic product notification to the MoH
- binding to the EU legislation on the CMR substances usage
- optional indication of the minimum durability date, if the products’ shelf life is longer than 30 months
We are grateful to the MoH representatives for constant dialogue and supporting Chamber position aimed at reducing the burden on business by removing technical barriers to trade, establishing favorable conditions for fair competition on the market and meeting best European practices in regulation of cosmetics market.
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