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Consumer Goods

Policy Win: Introduction of Gradual Restriction on Content of Phosphates and Other Phosphorus Compounds in Detergents Is Postponed

Policy Win: Introduction of Gradual Restriction on Content of Phosphates and Other Phosphorus Compounds in Detergents Is Postponed

On December 22, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) adopted Resolution #1370 "On Amendments to the CMU Resolution #717 dated August 20, 2008" (Resolution).

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (AmCham) welcomes the adoption of the Resolution as it allows, among other things, to postpone the introduction of the restriction on the content of phosphates and other phosphorus compounds in detergents, envisaged by the amendments to the Technical Regulation on Detergents approved by the CMU Resolution #575 dated June 2, 2021 (Amendments).

The AmCham has repeatedly communicated the position of its member companies to the Amendments’ developers on the inappropriateness of introducing strict phosphorus limits, seeing risks for doing business in the detergent industry, and proposed compromise options aimed at easing these restrictions.

Therefore, we look forward to the further support of the AmCham's position on eliminating risks for doing business by representatives of the detergent industry in Ukraine, in particular, by establishing a separate interdepartmental working group to discuss new limits on phosphorus content in detergents and develop respective draft amendments.

We would like to express our gratitude to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, and the Business Ombudsman Council for the fruitful cooperation and support of the business community's position. We are grateful to AmCham member companies' experts for their professional support and expertise.

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