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24 Chamber Committees represent key sectors of Ukraine's economy and operate to maintain productive B2G dialogue with responsible state authorities and policymakers, pushing business agenda forward and accelerating reforms.



The committee’s mission is to support and promote development of a market-based Agricultural sector as the core for the overall development of Ukraine’s economy


Banking & Finance

The committee’s mission is to actively participate in the development of the Ukrainian banking system, promoting high-quality banking standards. It aims to bolster and propel the initiatives led by the Ukrainian central bank in fostering a domestic financial sector that aligns seamlessly with the highest international benchmarks



The committee’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of Ukraine's competition law and enforcement practices in line with best international standards in order to promote competition and facilitate doing business


Consumer Goods

The committee’s mission is to provide necessary support and expertise to the current players of FMCG market as well as bring new investors through contribution to establishment of favorable regulatory environment for consumer products businesses


Customs & Trade Facilitation

The committee has been established to contribute to development of the customs legislation that would be simple, modern and adaptable


Distributed Generation

The committee’s mission is to advocate for transparency and stability on Ukrainian renewable energy market, creating favorable and fair business climate as well as incentives to invest in renewables both for domestic and international companies



The main purpose of the committee is to promote the further development and modernization of Ukraine’s energy sector by attracting investment, in support of the vision of a more energy self-reliant Ukraine


Food & Beverage

Committee’s activities are devoted to ensuring sustainable development of market-based Food & Beverage industry as a reliable and efficient supplier of quality products both for domestic and international consumers



The main purpose of the committee is to establish competitive landscape for development of Healthcare sector by contributing to forming the transparent and efficient regulatory system


Hospitality & Tourism

The committee has been established to provide necessary support for the development of Tourism industry through the implementation of the best international practices and introduction of stimulation mechanisms for innovative investment activity in this sector


Human Capital

The committee’s mission is to promote the professional development of Members through exposure to new knowledge, skills, and information


Information Technologies

To advocate for ensuring sustainable and transparent conditions for the IT business in Ukraine aimed at accelerating the industry’s further boost



The committee has been established to define transparent and beneficial mechanisms of interaction and cooperation for the participants of economic activity in Infrastructure sphere and for the state in general


Intellectual Property Rights

Committee’s activities are devoted to contributing to the development of comprehensive legal and institutional frameworks related to the issues of intellectual property rights protection and enforcement as well as to promote innovations and creativity in Ukraine



To promote the rule of law, including comprehensive judicial reform, effective protection of investment and property rights, and amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying" and ensure proper implementation of the law's provisions


Media & Communication

The main purpose of the committee is to provide a platform not only to discuss existing issues within the industry, but also to leverage the combined experience and presence of Chamber member companies with marketing and media interests


Medical Services Providers

To transform the healthcare sector in Ukraine through active dialogue with stakeholders and developing opportunities for business partnerships


Personal Data Protection

The Committee’s mission is to advocate the vision and proposals of the business community while developing and implementing the Personal Data Protection legislation


Real Estate & Construction

Mission: To drive sustainable growth and competitiveness of Ukraine’s real estate & construction sectors through technological innovation, harmonization with European legal framework, and introduction of the best global practices


Retail & E-Commerce

Committee’s activities are devoted to uniting representatives of international retail and create a one voice position in the dialogue with key stakeholders as well as to create conditions for the rise in Ukraine’s retail e-commerce following the global trends


Security & Defense

The Committee is established to create an advisory platform for global defense companies interested in Ukraine as well as advocate for the development of a sustainable and well-regulated Security & Defense sector in Ukraine



The committee’s mission is to establish the efficient and predictable regulatory system in order to ensure clear and transparent admission of novel crops and agrochemicals to the agricultural market



To incorporate sustainable solutions based on the international experience into legislation as well as to foster the fulfillment of global Ukraine’s and business’s commitments at the national level



The main purpose of the committee is to promote the reform and improved application of the taxation system in Ukraine, recognizing that a predictable, equitable and effective tax system is a significant factor both in the general facilitation of business and in the positive development of Ukraine’s economy



Telecom Committee has been established to further develop and enhance a sustainable and well-regulated telecom industry in Ukraine

Official Service Providers

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