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Banking & Finance

The committee’s mission is to actively participate in the development of the Ukrainian banking system, promoting high-quality banking standards. It aims to bolster and propel the initiatives led by the Ukrainian central bank in fostering a domestic financial sector that aligns seamlessly with the highest international benchmarks.

Committee Priorities

Priority 1

Ensure Ukraine's macroeconomic stability and facilitate swift recovery of the banking sector through ongoing collaboration with international partners like the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, International Finance Corporation, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, and other IFIs

Priority 2

Foster a fair and competitive landscape in Ukraine's banking and financial services industry in line with EU regulations, with a particular emphasis on protecting creditors' and investors' rights

Priority 3

Advocate for prudent foreign exchange and currency control regulations, gradual currency liberalization

Priority 4

Contribute to the establishment and development of a competitive level playing field environment for banking services

Priority 5

Ensure adequate implementation and enforcement of the highest standards for anti-money laundering & compliance in line with the best global practices

Responsible Board Member(s)

Alex McWhorter



Artem Gerganov

Helen Mykhalchenko

Ihor Olekhov

Policy Officer(s)

Veronika Alieksieienko

Chief Policy Officer (Banking & Finance Issues)

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