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Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #8172 on Development of Electric Charging Infrastructure and Electric Vehicles

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #8172 on Development of Electric Charging Infrastructure and Electric Vehicles

AmCham Ukraine welcomes the adoption of the Draft Law #8172 “On Certain Issues of Use of Vehicles Equipped with Electric Motors and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Overcome Fuel Dependence and Development of Electric Charging Infrastructure and Electric Vehicles” (Draft Law) by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the second reading.

The Draft Law is developed to harmonize national legislation with the European Union (EU) one by implementing the provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, Directive 2009/33/EU, Directive 2014/94/EU, and National Transport Strategy of Ukraine until 2030.

AmCham Ukraine member companies’ experts welcome the initiative to improve the legislation that regulates the development of micromobility in Ukraine and the use of vehicles equipped with electric motors. AmCham members are grateful for taking into account the proposals of the business community to single out a separate transport category, namely “Light personal electric transport”.

We look forward to the soonest signing of the respective Law by the President of Ukraine and further successful implementation of its provisions.

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