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Policy Win: Mandatory Introduction of Electronic Consignment Note Was Postponed

Policy Win: Mandatory Introduction of Electronic Consignment Note Was Postponed

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (AmCham Ukraine) welcomes the decision of the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine to postpone the mandatory introduction of the electronic consignment note (e-TTN) for the transportation of goods by road transport in Ukraine.

Considering the martial law in Ukraine and the conditions business is working in, as well as due to the peculiarities of the implementation of e-TTN, the postponement of the mandatory introduction of e-TTN, according to AmCham Ukraine member companies, will make it possible to have transition to e-TTN smoother, to technically prepare for the use of e-TTN, without creating obstacles in the conduct of business activities.

AmCham Ukraine member companies repeatedly officially appealed to the Ministry with the mentioned request and express gratitude for considering the position of the business community, constant support, and close cooperation.

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