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Group Brainsource/Personnel maintains to provide its services in Ukraine

Dear friends, partners and collegues in human resource management, senior officers in finance and purchasing deparments of multinational companies in Ukraine

At this difficult period for Ukraine, the period of war against the Russian agression, I would like to wish everyone courage and unshakeble faith in our victory.

Our human resource group Brainsource/Personnel has 100% Ukrainian roots. Since the first day of our establishment in Kyiv in the beginning of 2000, we have consistently supported european aspirations of our country. We took active part in the two revolutionary Maidans, provided financial support to the Ukrainian military during antiterrorist operation, promoted european values and best practices wherever we had offices.

Our company and our sfaff have always been and remained true patriots not only on words but with actual deeds of providing all kinds of support to our army and local defence regiments.

With this letter we wanted to inform you about our decesion to budget at least 10% of profits generated by the Group for the needs of the Ukrainian military and children who suffered during this conflict untill the end of the active part of the war.

Our group Brainsource/Personnel maintains to provide its services in Ukraine which include and are not limited to:

  1. Calculation and payment of payroll and taxes to our clients' staff and relative state offices.
  2. Providing employer of records services in Ukraine and beyond.
  3. Recruitment of permanent and temporary staff.
  4. Search and selection of top management.
  5. Search of foreign top managers and members of the boards thanks to BSI membership with Intersearch network

We look forward to widening our cooperating with you.

Glory to Ukraine!


Best regards,

Andrii Kryvokorytov

President of Brainsource/Personnel

Official Service Providers

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