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GOLAW Attorneys Have Successfully Proved in Court the Absence of Grounds to Recognize the Invalidity of the Agreement for Amount Over UAH 60 Million

GOLAW Attorneys Have Successfully Proved in Court the Absence of Grounds to Recognize the Invalidity of the Agreement for Amount Over UAH 60 Million

An agreement on repayable interest-free financial assistance was concluded between the Client and his contractor. Under the terms of this agreement, the Client lent an amount of over UAH 60 000,000 to another company.

The Client's contractor filed a lawsuit to invalidate this agreement. The trial has been pending since 2016.

Thanks to a reasoned position and essential arguments, GOLAW's attorneys convinced the Supreme Court of the soundness of their arguments and conclusions of the courts of previous instances, which refused to hold up the contractor’s lawsuit. The decision of the Supreme Court in this case is final.

The project was run by a team of GOLAW attorneys – Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Kateryna Manoylenko, as well as associate, attorney at law  Anastasiia Nikolenko.

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