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Policy Win: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law on Procedural Aspects of Investigations by the Antimonopoly Committee

Policy Win: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law on Procedural Aspects of Investigations by the Antimonopoly Committee

On February 7, the Parliament adopted Draft Law #6746 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine regarding Ensuring Principles of Procedural Equality and Increasing Efficiency of Investigations in Cases on Violation of Legislation on Protection of Economic Competition".

The Chamber supported the Draft Law before it was passed in the first reading in November 2018 andparticipated in the meetings of the working group under the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy, devoted to preparation of the Draft Law for the second reading. Also, adoption of this Draft Law was included in the Chamber Roadmap of the Antimonopoly Reform.

Adoption of this Draft Law allows to improve and clarify administrative procedure, used by the Antimonopoly Committee while carrying out its functions and protect companies, which interact with competition agency. In particular, adopted Draft Law sets up time limits for investigations, ensures procedural rights for person, in regard of which investigation is initiated, and improves the procedures which concern cartels.

The Chamber welcomes adoption of Draft Law #6746 and will further monitor developments in this sphere.

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