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Вебінар «Дія.Сіті та інші причини, чому бізнес обирає Україну»

27 Вересня 2023
13:00 - 15:00
Вебінар «Дія.Сіті та інші причини, чому бізнес обирає Україну»

Date: September 27.

Time: 12:00 (CEST).

Format: online (Zoom).

Language: English.

Target audience: IT business owners, global technology companies,  foreign investors.

Participation is free. Registration is mandatory. After registration, you will receive a confirmation and a broadcast link to the specified email.

Despite the ongoing war, Ukraine continues to be an attractive country for foreign IT businesses. A prominent factor contributing to this trend is Diia City – an innovative legal framework for the Ukrainian IT industry. Without a doubt, any foreign IT business considering the establishment of an office within Ukraine is met with a wide spectrum of strategic decisions. These include a meticulous analysis of the potential difficulties and peculiarities of the existing business landscape, a comprehensive evaluation of advantages and potential pitfalls, and ultimately, look into regulatory frameworks.

GOLAW in partnership with DIGITAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION BERLIN - BRANDENBURG (SIBB) invites you to join the webinar devoted to helping IT businesses delve into the nuances of the Diia City legal framework and the potential of Ukraine for IT business.

Questions for discussion:

  • Why does foreign IT business choose Ukraine for setting up office here?
  • What is Diia City and why is it attractive for foreign IT business?
  • What are the eligibility requirements for Diia City residentship?
  • What are the peculiarities of structuring relations with staff in Diia City?
  • What tax benefits are provided to Diia City residents in Ukraine?


Oleksandr Melnyk specializes in issues of corporate, competitive, banking and finance law, and business relationships with regulatory authorities.

He has significant experience in business incorporation, restructuring, and liquidation, conducting due diligence of companies and business structures. Provides advice regarding real estate alienation, supports transactions on sale and purchase of businesses and real estate. Oleksandr provides legal assistance to businesses and banks in relation to business financing, in particular regarding structuring of financing, performs due diligence of collateral security documents, drafting and agreeing the contracts securing obligations (bonds), and registration of encumbrances. Has experience in cross-border co-financing projects involving international financial institutions (IFC, EBRD, etc.), drafting and reviewing Intercreditor’s Agreements, Security Sharing Agreements, Subordination Agreements, etc.

Viktoriia Bublichenko specializes in the field of tax law, has extensive experience in complex legal support of business.

She consults Ukrainian and foreign companies from various sectors of the economy (IT, agriculture, pharmaceutical industry, etc.) on the matters of Ukrainian and international taxation of their activities, separate operations, agreements. In particular, Viktoriia has considerable experience in the provision of legal advice on issues related to permanent establishment concept, application of tax benefits under double tax treaties. Also, Viktoriia successfully prepares companies for tax audits, provides legal support in their course, and represents the interests of clients in complicated tax disputes.

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