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Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #6070-1 Unblocking Certification of New Types of Agricultural Machinery in the First Reading

Policy Progress: Parliament Passed Draft Law #6070-1 Unblocking Certification of New Types of Agricultural Machinery in the First Reading

On January 26, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed Draft Law #6070-1 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine regarding Implementation of Technical Regulation Functions in the Sphere of Agro-Industrial Complex and Mechanical Engineering for the Agro-Industrial Complex” (Draft Law) in the first reading and as a basis.

Since July 2021, the procedure for certification of new types of agricultural machinery has been blocked, as institutions that were authorized to provide conformity assessment of agricultural machinery, namely, "Ukrainian State Center for Testing and Forecasting of Machinery and Technologies for Agricultural Production" and Scientific and Technical Certification Center “AGROSEPRO” of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, have lost their accreditation.

Adoption of the Draft Law will unblock the certification of new types of agricultural machinery in the nearest time by giving the relevant powers to the responsible ministry without significant changes in the conformity assessment procedure. Thereby, it will open access for farmers to new types of agricultural machinery, eliminate the risks of sales suspension, and restore appropriate revenues to the State Budget.

Experts of the Chamber Working Group on Agricultural Machinery Issues welcome the adoption of the Draft Law #6070-1 in the first reading and as a basis and emphasize the necessity of its soonest adoption in the second reading.

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