On January 14, 2025, Members of the Parliamentary Committee on Digital Transformation did not support Draft Law #12112 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine in the Field of Electronic Communications regarding the Regulation of Certain Issues of Radio Frequency Spectrum Use, General Authorization, and the Procedure for Maintaining a Register of Electronic Communication Network and Service Providers” (Draft Law) and recommended the Parliament to include it in the agenda of its 12th session and, following the Draft Law’s first reading, to return it to the authors for revision.
This Draft Law proposes changes that would give the regulatory authority unlimited discretion in reviewing the conditions of already issued radio frequency spectrum licenses. Such changes do not align with Ukraine's international obligations in European integration and contradict Article 58 of the Constitution of Ukraine.
The business community addressed the Members of Parliament asking not to support the Draft Law due to the above potential negative consequences.
As a result of the profile Committee's consideration, it was also noted that work on the issues presented in this Draft Law will continue, and the relevant Working Group will develop and propose a new Draft Law for consideration.
We are grateful to the Members of Parliament, particularly MP Mykhailo Kryachko, as well as involved government authorities – the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine, and the National Agency on Corruption Prevention – for their support of the business community and their active position on this matter.
The Chamber hopes that Members of Parliament will support the profile Committee’s decision during the consideration of Draft Law #12112 in the session hall and so will return it to the authors for revision.