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Information Technologies

Parliament Rejected Draft Law #11431 on Regulation in the Field of Electronic Communications

Parliament Rejected Draft Law #11431 on Regulation in the Field of Electronic Communications

On October 30, 2024, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine rejected Draft Law №11431 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Regulation of State Supervision in the Field of Electronic Communications and Ensuring the Stability of Electronic Communication Networks" (the Draft Law).

The Draft Law proposed significant changes to the procedures for conducting inspections and imposing fines on telecom operators during martial law.

The Draft Law's adoption could harm the industry's investment attractiveness, make planned and previously announced investments in the development of electronic communication networks impossible, and create negative prerequisites for strengthening industry state supervision by shifting its primary focus from preventing violations to punitive measures – increasing fines and generating additional revenue for the State Budget as a result.

The business community appealed to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to withdraw the Draft Law from consideration due to these potential negative consequences.

AmCham member companies are grateful to the Members of Parliament for the decision to reject the Draft Law.

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