On April 21, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed Draft Law #7264, amending certain legislation in the part on uninterrupted production and supply of agricultural products during the Martial Law (Draft Law #7264) in the first reading and as a basis.
Draft Law #7264 aims to ensure uninterrupted production and supply of agricultural products during the Martial Law, by implementation of the following initiatives:
- the possibility of issuing a phytosanitary certificate in electronic form;
- expands the list of entities that can take samples and conduct phytosanitary examination;
- introduces a simplified procedure for the authorization of private laboratories and the possibility of sampling by specialists of such laboratories, as well as by auditors on certification (inspectors-agronomists);
- simplifies the procedures for submitting documents for state registration of pesticides and agrochemicals to approximate Ukrainian legislation to EU regulation, inter alia to the provisions of Regulation (EU) #396/2005 in the part on the requirement to obtain the conclusion on sanitary and epidemiological examination;
- expands the list of agrochemicals allowed for import into the customs territory of Ukraine etc.
The Chamber welcomes passing the Draft Law #7264 in the first reading and as a basis and emphasize the necessity of its soonest adoption in the second reading.