On 2 August 2023, during a Legal Assembly meeting the Election Commission for the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine was elected for the 2023-2025 term. Vitaliy Odzhykovskyy, the partner at Sayenko Kharenko, was selected to join the new commission.
The Ukrainian Bar Association is a highly respected non-governmental organisation that brings together thousands of lawyers to form a professional and influential community. Its main objectives are to advance the legal profession, promote legislative improvements, implement ethical standards, and protect its members’ professional and human rights.
As a delegate, Vitaliy is responsible for actively participating in the Association’s necessary decision-making process related to its operations and management. The Legal Assembly meets twice yearly, where delegates attend and cast votes on significant matters.
“Being a part of the Election Commission for the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine is an honour and privilege and a responsibility that I take seriously. As a member of the Election Commission, I am dedicated to fulfilling my duties fairly and impartially. I look forward to collaborating with my colleagues to strengthen the Ukrainian Bar Association’s efforts to promote justice, legal reforms and uphold professional standards in the legal community”, – said Vitaliy Odzhykovskyy, partner at Sayenko Kharenko.