The meeting will be devoted to the discussion of issues related to the protection of investors' rights in the context of the post-war recovery of Ukraine.
The meeting will be held in Ukrainian. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.
The meeting will be held under Chatham House rules and is open for employees of Chamber member companies only.
Registration is required to participate. If you would like to attend the meeting in-person, please let Iryna Demtsiura, Policy Team Assistant at know. Registration for in-person participation will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis and may close before the deadline if venue capacity is reached. If you would like to join the meeting online, please register on our website. Registration deadline is Monday, February 3, 1:00 PM. After the registration deadline, we will inform you on the venue for joining in-person or provide the link for joining us online. Information on the venue or the link will be sent to registered participants only.