On the 7th of February there was a preview of Ukrainian documentary’s short line Invincible in Berlin. Preview of the documentary was held as a part of the humanitarian project "Schana Menschen für Menschen", that takes care of civilian Ukrainian’s help.
The film Invincible was born in Ukraine at the time of the Chernihiv brewery restoration AB InBev Efes Ukraine.
Main focus is a demonstration of the greatest Ukrainian’s strength spirit - workers of the Chernihiv brewery. Rebelliousness, thirst for victory, rebirth of Ukrainian Chernihiv and its brewery run like a red line through the entire film.
On March 25th, beloved by millions of Ukrainians producing Chernigivske, was subjected to a devastating missile attack, as a result some buildings were partially destroyed, and some were completely destroyed. Also, a lot of important equipment was damaged or destroyed.
Against this background, the film Invincible shows the personal stories of the brewery employees and their experiences of missile attack, the evacuation of citizens and the loss of their own homes. At the same time faith can be seen in the future and people desire for restoration and revival.
The film is conventionally divided into stages of brewery life and crucial moments. The story points out peaceful times and events until February 24th, a difficult period at the beginning of war and the occupation, as well as sacrifice moments of our people who overcame all trials for the sake of resuming production to join the recovery and launch of the brewery after a forced downtime of almost six months. The events of the film are revealed through a series of interviews with employees and their personal experiences. We gave voice to the brewery through the people who worked and are working on its revival every day, so that they can do their job again - brewing their favorite beer for Ukrainians.
"Volunteering, supporting each other, organizing evacuation - all this became the basis for the main characters to survive, endure and return. Return to the brewery that was damaged by missiles, save what is left, restore production, and restart it to brew delicious beer that Ukrainians are waiting for. We captured all of this," - says Denis Khrenov, Deputy General Director of AB InBev Efes Ukraine. - "After city liberation, the employees of the brewery gradually began returning to the city and in July the company's shareholders made a decision to restore the brewery, which added even more enthusiasm to people who survived the occupation in the city or were forced to evacuate, escaping from aggression to safer places. After all, the brewery is one of the key businesses in the region, and therefore contributes to its economic and social development."
AB InBev Efes Ukraine continues its course in supporting humanitarian initiatives which it has been following since the first days of the struggle. In particular, one of such projects in support of Ukraine and Ukrainians was the launch of the most popular Ukrainian beer Chernigivske in Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Poland, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Colombia and Brazil, which guarantees at least 5 million dollars in revenue to support humanitarian aid efforts provided by non-governmental organizations including Caritas International.