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Human Capital

Policy Win: The State Regulatory Service of Ukraine did not Approve the Draft Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine "On Approval of Requirements to Business Entities, which Intend to Perform Examination of the State of Labor Protection etc."

Policy Win: The State Regulatory Service of Ukraine did not Approve the Draft Order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine welcomes the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine decision to refuse in approval of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine Draft Order “On Approval of Requirements to Business Entities, which Intend to Perform Examination of the State of Labor Protection and Safety of Industrial Production, Technical Review and Expert Examination of Machines, Mechanisms and Equipment of Increased Danger” (Draft Order), dated June 13, 2023.

This Draft Order envisaged the introduction of mandatory accreditation and other requirements to business entities, which intend to perform examination of the state of labor protection and safety of industrial production, technical review and expert examination of machines, mechanisms and equipment of increased danger.

Upon analysis of the Draft Order by the Chamber member companies’ experts, it was determined that the proposed Requirements contradict the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.

Experts of AmCham Ukraine Human Capital Committee have consistently opposed the adoption of this Draft Order and emphasized the need to align it with the requirements of Articles 4, 5, 8, and 9 of Law #1160-IV “On the Principles of State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economic Activity”.

The decision to refuse in the approval of the Draft Order will support the business community during martial law and help to overcome barriers to the businesses’ development in Ukraine.

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