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Policy Win: The Government Eliminated Double Regulation for Medical Devices with Measuring Features

Policy Win: The Government Eliminated Double Regulation for Medical Devices with Measuring Features

As a result of continuous Chamber advocacy campaign, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution #598 dated July 10, 2019 which eliminates double regulation for medical devices with measuring features.

The Resolution foresees withdrawing measuring medical devices from the Technical Regulation approved by CMU Resolution #94 as they are subject to Technical Regulation for measuring medical devices.

Adoption of Resolution helps to eliminate technical barriers in trade of measuring medical devices as well as reduce the time of entering devices to the market which is related to the implementation of duplicate conformity assessment procedures. As a result, prices for such devices were overpriced.

Business community united by the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine welcomes the CMU Resolution and will continue further negotiations on the deregulation of medical devices market and elimination of double technical regulation.

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