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Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #9627 on Investments Attraction for Ukraine’s Rapid Reconstruction

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #9627 on Investments Attraction for Ukraine’s Rapid Reconstruction

AmCham Ukraine welcomes the adoption of Draft Law #9627, amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine to attract investments for the rapid reconstruction of Ukraine (Draft Law) by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the second reading.

The Draft Law foresees the usage of the existing simplified mechanism for changing the intended purpose of land and expanding it to the list of industrial and energy facilities (namely: complex industrial structures and warehouses, pipelines, communications, and power lines, buildings for agricultural purposes, forestry, and fisheries).

AmCham Ukraine member companies’ experts are convinced that the introduction of the respective amendments provided for in the Draft Law will ensure a transparent, precise, and understandable procedure for changing the purpose of the land, will contribute to increasing tax revenues and the creation of new jobs, and will also allow to significantly reduce the costs of time and financial resources for investors, who plan to build the corresponding facilities.

We look forward to the soonest signing of the respective Law by the President of Ukraine and further successful implementation of its provisions.

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