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Consumer Goods

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #6134 “On Consumers’ Rights Protection”

Policy Win: Parliament Adopted Draft Law #6134 “On Consumers’ Rights Protection”

On June 3, 2023, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted Draft Law #6134 “On Consumers’ Rights Protection” (Draft Law) in the second reading.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (AmCham) welcomes the adoption of the Draft Law aimed at aligning the national legislation on consumers’ rights protection with the legislation of the European Union (EU) and harmonizing the system of consumer rights protection in Ukraine with the principles, approaches, and practices of the EU.

The AmCham has been continuously engaging in improving consumers’ rights protection legislation at all stages of the Draft Law preparation. We welcome the inclusion of the majority of AmCham’s proposals at the same time we also confirm our readiness to continue working further on the improvement of the system of consumers’ rights protection in Ukraine.

We are grateful to the experts of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and Members of Parliament, members of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Development, for the consistent and coordinated work on the Draft Law. We look forward to continuing fruitful dialogue to further streamline and improve the legislation in the consumers’ rights protection sphere. We also want to thank the AmCham member companies’ experts for their professional support and expertise.

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