On March 30, 2020, Ukrzaliznytsia postponed the new Agreement for the provision of services on organizing freight transportation by railway transport (the Agreement) until June 1, 2020.
A couple of days earlier, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) issued recommendations to Ukrzaliznytsіa to refrain from the implementation of the new Agreement and to revise the new version of the Agreement with consideration of business community’s position. Chamber member companies’ experts earlier expressed their concerns about the unequal conditions of the mentioned Agreement and stressed that the implementation of the Agreement should be delayed until the contradictory provisions are resolved. The Chamber addressed Ukrzaliznytsia with comments and proposals on improvement of the Agreement’s terms.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine welcomes the Ukrzaliznytsia decision and hopes that the provisions of the new Agreement will be improved in the light of the business community’s proposals during the next two months.