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Food & Beverage

Policy Progress: Draft Law #6134 "On Consumers' Rights Protection" Was Registered in the Parliament

Policy Progress: Draft Law #6134

On October 5, 2021, Draft Law #6134 "On Consumers' Rights Protection" (Draft Law) was registered by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The Draft Law aims to harmonize the consumers' rights protection system in Ukraine in line with the principles, approaches, and practices of the European Union.

Experts of the Chamber Consumer Goods and Food & Beverage Committees took an active part in the respective working group under the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and during the public consideration of the Draft Law, providing tangible input to the wording of the current version of the Draft Law. At the same time, the improvement of certain provisions of Draft Law is in the further focus of the Chamber member companies' experts.

The Chamber welcomes registration of the Draft Law in the Parliament. The Chamber member companies' experts will continue to work on Draft Law's improvement, advocating for a regulatory-friendly environment for business.

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