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Policy Progress: Draft Law #10093 Amending Taxation Rules of International Roaming Services Was Registered in the Parliament

Policy Progress: Draft Law #10093 Amending Taxation Rules of International Roaming Services Was Registered in the Parliament

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine welcomes registration of Draft Law #10093 amending taxation rules of international roaming services by the group of the Members of Parliament led by Oleksandr Danchenko, Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Informatization and Communication. In particular, the Draft Law foresees bringing certain provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine in line with the principles of EU Council Directive 2006/112/EU on a common system of value added tax, which is defined in Article 353 of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.

According to the Explanatory Note, adoption of this Draft Law will facilitate receiving additional income from international services and increase the income from income tax, attracting additional investments in development of telecommunication networks in Ukraine, increasing of foreign currency earnings to Ukraine from services export, supporting national currency rate and strengthening Ukraine's export potential.

Experts of the Chamber Member Companies were actively involved in the process of drafting this legislative initiative and its further discussion with VRU Committee on Informatization and Communication and other stakeholders.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine welcomes this step on the way to approximation of mobile telecommunications' legislation to the European regulation and would like to thank Vadim Medvedev, Avellum, Head of the Chamber Working Group on International Taxation & EU Harmonization for his input as well as Oleksandr Danchenko, Head of the VRU Committee on Informatization and Communication for registering the Draft Law.

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