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Ukraine: Implementation of Building Information Modelling Technology to Be Launched

On 17 February 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the Concept of Implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Technology and its action plan.

ВІМ technology is an innovative approach to managing digital data in construction to virtually reflect a construction project and to obtain up-to-date project design and operational documents at any time within its lifecycle — from design to construction, operation and dismantling stages. The implementation of BIM technology will serve to save costs, enhance efficiency and transparency of investment and construction processes and mitigate technical and financial risks at all stages of the project cycle.

Stakeholders of the construction market have been asserting the necessity to implement BIM technology for several years. We also emphasized its importance in our report "Construction Sector Regulatory Framework Reform in Ukraine," prepared by our Firm with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, for the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, and presented in 2020.

Key takeaways

The Concept defines principles, guidelines and mechanisms for implementing state policy regarding BIM technology for the purposes of further reforming, modernizing and digitally transforming the construction sector in Ukraine.

The Concept provides for:

  • adoption of the regulatory framework governing the use of BIM technology in Ukraine at all stages of the project implementation cycle
  • review of the existing construction standards and adoption of new ones harmonized with the respective international standards
  • change of approaches to development of project design documents, pricing and procurement procedures in view of the project implementation cycle concept
  • gradual implementation of pilot state supported construction projects with the use of BIM technology
  • encouragement of companies to apply BIM technology in their activities (by incentives, free training programs and expert support) and other measures

In more detail

Implementation of the Concept is targeted until 2035 with four stages:

  • Stage І (2020-2022): Commencement of regular use of BIM technology, development of regulatory framework and technical support of BIM technology in Ukraine. Commencement of the implementation of pilot projects regarding facilities of various purpose.
  • Stage ІІ (2023-2024): Obligatory use of BIM technology within certain construction projects falling under certain parameters (cost, complexity, consequence class (CC)), among others, within state-supported construction projects. Continuing to implement pilot projects.
  • Stage ІІІ (2025-2030): Extension of criteria for obligatory use of BIM technology within state supported construction projects. Operation of facilities using BIM technology.
  • Stage IV (2030-2035): Full use of BIM technology when implementing construction projects. Obligatory use of BIM technology for all state-supported construction projects. Extension of criteria for obligatory use of BIM technology within privately financed construction projects.

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