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Report on the Work of MORIS Law Firm in the #SaveUkraineNow Coordination Center

We are convinced that unity and hard work can bring us closer to victory. During the last two months, MORIS has been actively involved in the work of the #SaveUkraineNow Coordination Center, which helps the military who go to the front to perform combat missions. Sources of income to the Center are business (46.04%), charitable organizations (45.91%), individual philanthropists (8.05%). Our company is one of the initiators of the Center and a partner of #SaveUkraineNow. So we want to share the results of our great work together.

A few numbers:

53.6% ammunition worth 660,592.19 USD

23.9% means of communication in the amount of 294,178.40 USD

11.1% of medicines worth $ 136,872.47

5.0% business support in the amount of 61,377.55 USD

3.6% machinery and tools worth $ 43,918.45

2.9% transport and fuel in the amount of USD 36,109.43

Total cost: 1,233,048.49 USD

We are ready for further work, and we are not afraid of trials, because we are sure that in dark times, bright people are clearly visible, many of whom have already gathered at the Center.

Despite the already well-established work, the #SaveUkraineNow Coordination Center still needs more support from concerned companies. Each of us will be happy to have new partners.

You can read the full report of the Center at: https://www.saveukrainenow.if.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/february_april_ua.pdf?fbclid=IwAR09Kn9MDh5ILPuxwz8YZxDe0HMMgE2

You can support #SaveUkraineNow by following the link: https://secure.wayforpay.com/payment/saveukrainenow

More about the Center's activities on the official website saveukrainenow.if.ua, on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SaveUkraineNowIFUA and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/saveukrainenow.if/

Glory to Ukraine and our heroic defenders!

Together to victory!

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