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Combating the Coronavirus

Combating the Coronavirus

It has now been more than a year since the whole world imposed different kinds of quarantine restrictions due to the spread of COVID-19. Because of the pandemic, millions of people worldwide have started working from home. The AmCham Ukraine team did its best to adapt all activities to new normal and continue fully supporting our members. We are available on the phone, Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp, Zoom, and email to handle all your requests and issues. We are holding regular online meetings and offering a wide range of webinars for our members – please check our calendar.

We continue our Leadership in Times of Crisis project on social media to support business during these challenging times. By showing how AmCham members are turning challenges into opportunities, supporting their employees, and helping Ukrainians, we want to add a little positivity during this lockdown. Join the project and share your story. For more details, please contact Yuliana Chyzhova, Senior Communications Officer, ychyzhova@chamber.ua.

Impact on Business:

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, in partnership with AmCham member companies, conducted a series of surveys. These surveys are aimed at understanding the impact of coronavirus on business, getting to know the companies’ support of the country and society, identifying key concerns and ideas on Ukraine's reopening strategy that will help businesses and the economy at large.

Recently the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, together with AmCham member company Citi Ukraine, conducted Ukraine Business Climate Survey: A Year of Lockdown. The survey aimed to assess how one year of lockdown impacted businesses in Ukraine and identified key concerns and expectations for doing business in 2021.

Please, read the results of other surveys:

AmCham in a partnership with Deloitte:

AmCham in a partnership with Citi Ukraine:

AmCham in a partnership with EY:

We are sharing the latest information updated regularly from the US Embassy in Ukraine and CDC (Center for Disease Control).

COVID-19 Information

Country-Specific Information:

Since the beginning of the campaign, 15,729,619 people have been vaccinated and 15,201,112 have received all necessary doses.

According to the latest information, Ukraine has a total of 4,809,624 confirmed cases, including 4,058,020 recoveries and 105,505 deaths.

On September 23, 2021, the Government approved Resolution #981. According to it, Ukraine will be on the adaptive quarantine until December 31, 2021.

At the same time, from September 23, 2021, a "yellow" level of epidemic danger is established throughout the country.

Wearing masks is mandatory in public transportation and indoor public places.  Individuals and establishments can be fined for not complying.

Ukraine’s regions will be divided into four color zones depending on the daily monitoring of the epidemic situation: green, yellow, orange, and red.

Rules of the yellow zone regime include the following restrictions:

  • wearing face masks and keeping social distancing in public buildings;
  • no more than 1 person per 4 square meters during public events;
  • cinemas and cultural institutions with up to 50% occupancy;
  • transportation of passengers only within the seating capacity;
  • prohibited operation of entertainment venues as well as cafes & restaurants with entertainment;
  • working hours of  cafes & restaurants (excluding address delivery services and takeaways) from 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM;
  • no more than 4 adults at the same table in cafes & restaurants (with at least 2 meters distance between adjacent tables);
  • prohibited operation of accommodation establishments (except hotels, recreation, etc.).

In addition to the yellow zone restrictions, the orange zone foresees strengthening state control over compliance with quarantine measures.

Red zone regulation includes prohibitions for the yellow zone as well as the following ones:

  • cafes & restaurants operate only for address delivery and takeaways;
  • shutting down shopping malls and cultural institutions;
  • allowed operation of shops, 60% of the trade area of which is intended for trade of food products, fuel, medicines and medical devices, hygiene products and household detergents, telecommunication facilities, printed media, veterinary medicines and feeds, seeds, crop protection (no additional restrictions to assortments of those shops are applied);
  • allowed consumer services: trade with address delivery; operation of petrol stations, financial institutions, post services, automotive workshops and repair services, veterinary clinics, waste collection points, telecommunication companies.

Green zone enables revision of approach to easing quarantine regulations.

All restrictions mentioned above (except for the mask regime)  will not apply if all participants (visitors) and all organizers of mass events, employees of cinemas, theaters, museums, or other cultural institutions, gyms, and swimming pools have at least one vaccination against COVID-19.

All guests and visitors must provide one of the following documents:

  • confirmation of at least one dose of vaccine (only the full course for the red zone) against COVID-19 - you should use vaccination certificates, EU DCC, international certificates, "yellow" or "green" internal COVID certificates, certificates 063-O, or
  • proof of recent illness in the form of a COVID certificate in Diia app or an EU DCC or equivalent issued in a country connected to the EU trust network, or
  • negative PCR test or rapid antigen test result (valid for 72 hours)

No restrictions other than wearing protective masks apply to children under the age of 18.

Children under six years old can be in public places and transport without a mask.

Entry and Exit Requirements:

On September 28, 2020, the temporary entry restrictions for foreigners and stateless persons travelling to or through Ukraine, introduced earlier by the Government of Ukraine, have been lifted.

Foreigners and stateless persons are now allowed to cross the border into Ukraine provided they have an insurance policy certificate issued by a Ukraine-registered insurance company, or a foreign insurance company with an office in Ukraine or a contractual partnership with one of the Ukraine-registered insurance companies. The policy must cover the potential costs of COVID-19 treatment, observation, and be valid for the period of intended stay in Ukraine.

The requirement to present the proof of insurance at border crossing does not apply to:

  • foreigners and stateless persons with permanent residency permit on the territory of Ukraine
  • persons recognized as refugees or those in need of subsidiary protection
  • staff members of diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign states, missions of international organizations accredited in Ukraine, as well as their family members
  • military personnel of NATO and "Partnership for Peace” program member-states, who take part in trainings for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Further detailed information, including requirements for self-isolation, can be found on the official website of the government of Ukraine.

Information and rules for visiting Ukraine: http://visitukraine.today.

Requirements for Travel to the United States:

Effective January 26, 2021, all aircraft passengers two years of age and older, departing from any foreign country to a destination in the United States, must provide:

  • pre-boarding proof of a negative result for SARS-CoV-2 test performed in the past 72 hours and an attestation to the veracity of the test, OR
  • written or electronic documentation of recovery from COVID-19 in the preceding 90 days in the form of a positive viral test result taken within the 90 days preceding the flight and a letter from a licensed health care provider or public health official stating the passenger has been cleared for travel.

The order applies to all travelers including U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, and foreign officials traveling for official purposes with limited exceptions for airline personnel and U.S. military and law enforcement on orders.  For further details and frequently asked questions, please visit the Centers of Disease Control website.

Air carriers will not board passengers who do not meet these requirements.  Accordingly, travelers to the United States should check with their air carrier or travel representative prior to departure.

https://ua.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/151/COVID-testing-facilities.pdf Covid-19 Testing Centers in Ukraine

Actions to Take: 

For Assistance:

Local Resources:

Other links:

Official Service Providers

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