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Aequo Releases its Sustainability Report 2022-2023

Aequo has released its Sustainability Report to communicate the progress achieved in 2022-2023. The Report highlights the best ESG practices implemented by the firm as well as its commitment to rebuilding Ukraine.

Since February 2022, “the focus of our ESG strategy has changed. Care and responsibility in the general sense naturally became a priority, especially for the team, clients, our defenders, and those affected by the war. We are conscious of our responsibility for the selection of projects and our participation in the country's reconstruction,” – said Oleksiy Filatov, Senior Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution at Aequo.

The Report has reconfirmed Aequo's commitment as an active participant of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) to uphold the Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Aequo became the first national law firm to join the UNGC back in 2018, following the launch of its Sustainability Report in 2021 inspiring the Ukrainian legal market to follow.

Rebuilding Ukraine is indeed a protracted and systematic undertaking, and Aequo is deeply committed to playing a pivotal role in this transformative journey. The journey has already commenced, with daily collaboration between the government, businesses, and civil society to forge a brighter future, and our firm stands as an active participant in this collective effort – Aequo is a legal partner for the country's recovery.

The firm has consistently demonstrated its capacity to be a transformative force, pioneering conversations, shaping agendas, envisioning forthcoming trends, and, in doing so, contributing to a brighter future for our clients today. In December 2022, Aequo signed the UN Global Compact Memorandum on Joint Anti-Corruption Actions in Ukraine and in June 2023, the firm became one of signatories to the Ukraine Business Compact to re-enforce the business community’s support for peace in the country and to set out mutual expectations for the success of the recovery efforts.

You may read Aequo Sustainability Report 2023 here.

About the firm

Aequo is one of Ukraine’s top law firms serving industry leaders in transactional and dispute resolution matters. Aequo has been named Ukraine Law Firm of the Year at the Chambers Europe Awards 2022, the Most Innovative Law Firm of the Year in Ukraine by IFLR Europe Awards 2018, and one of the most innovative law firms in Europe according to the FT Innovative Lawyers 2015-2023.

For additional information please contact by e-mail: pr@aequo.ua

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