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Partners’ Events

The MBTI® Certification Program

May 31, 2021 - July 5, 2021
9:15AM - 5:30PM
The MBTI® Certification Program

MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is one of the world’s most popular organizational development certification programs. More than 70% of Fortune 500 companies successfully use Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®. EY Academy of Business in Ukraine is accredited by OPP Alliance Partner, the official distributor of MBTI®.

In the field of management consulting, certification enables practitioners to help improve individual and organizational performance and enhance team communication and dynamics.

The Certification Program will enable you to:

  • Deliver more effective employee engagement programs with a greater understanding of your people, teams, and organization
  • Enhance the onboarding process for new hires with insight into their personality preferences and that of their colleagues
  • Help students gain a richer understanding of their personality preferences and of how their preferences relate to choices in their educational and future career path
  • Grow professionally, through access to and insight into the world’s most widely used personality assessment, so that you can help others be their best

Enrich your professional skills for helping others, get your MBTI certification!

The online program starts on May 31. Early Bird price extended until May 7.

Learn more: MBTI сертифікаційна програма Step I|Академія бізнесу EY (eyacademyukraine.com)

Upcoming programs: https://eyacademyukraine.com/schedule

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