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Presentation of the Systemic Report "How Business Can Seek Court Decisions Enforcement in Ukraine"

March 30, 2021
11:00AM - 1:00PM
Presentation of the Systemic Report

The problem of non-enforcement of court decisions that entered into legal force is gaining momentum every year. In 2018, the Business Ombudsman Council received 108 complaints on this subject; in 2020, their quantity increased to 217. The problem is fundamental because the justice system will not work if court decisions are not enforced. That is exactly why the Business Ombudsman Council has issued a systemic report on improving court decisions enforcement for the state authotities and presented it to the Chamber members online.

Participants had an opportunity to discuss the following questions:

  • The issue of public and private enforcers
  • Moratoriums impeding mandatory court decisions execution
  • Liability for non-enforcement of court decisions. Judicial control
  • Court decisions enforcement at the pre-trial investigation stage in criminal proceedings
  • Common methods of evasion of execution /taking court decisions into account by the government
  • Problems of court decisions enforcement in the tax and customs spheres
  • Difficulties in enforcing decisions of foreign/international courts in Ukraine


Tetyana Korotka

Deputy Business Ombudsman


Andriy Bodnarchuk
Business Ombudsman Council

Volodymyr Kutsenko
Business Ombudsman Council

Kyrylo Nominas
Business Ombudsman Council

Kyryl Slastunov
Business Ombudsman Council

Vasyl Sukhovyi
Business Ombudsman Council


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