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Partners’ Events

Event "Increasing FDI in Ukraine – Strategic Dialogue"

July 15, 2021
10:00AM - 1:00PM

On behalf of the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine (CEP), the Office of the National Investment Council to the President of Ukraine (ONIC), UkraineInvest and Ernst & Young, we respectfully reach out to you with the following.

USAID, per request of the Government of Ukraine, supported the development of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) strategy (hereinafter, the Strategy) through USAID CEP. The Strategy represents a vision and action plan – a set of explicit recommendations and initiatives aimed at increasing the FDI flow to Ukraine. The Strategy was developed by Ernst & Young in consultations with ONIC, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, USAID and the investment policy implementing agency – UkraineInvest. Beneficiary of the Strategy is the Government of Ukraine. The strategy agenda is organized around a set of building blocks addressing cross-sectoral (i.e., privatization, export promotion, education, digital transformation) and sectoral (energy, transport infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, high-value agriculture) incentives and triggers.

The initiative is to be concluded with a public event comprised of an overall presentation of the Strategy and key findings, recommendations, action plan items, several keynote speakers’ presentations, and a follow-up feedback session to reflect on the most pressing questions posed during the event. The event’s format is a hybrid online-offline set-up, whereby several keynote speakers will be present at a joint physical location (studio-style), always on-cam, while multiple other speakers and the general audience will connect online.

We cordially invite you to attend the event: “Increasing FDI in Ukraine – Strategic Dialogue,” which will be broadcasted live on July 15th from 10.00 to 13.00 through USAID CEP’s Facebook Page. If you can participate, we kindly ask you to complete a short registration form via this link till July 9th, 2021.

If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to reach out to Tetiana Stavytska, ONIC Communications Manager, via +38 (067) 722 7777 or  tstavytska@nicouncil.org.ua. Alternatively, you can contact Natali Pavliuk, USAID CEP Event Manager, via +38 (050) 60 88 136 or npavliuk@CEPUkraine.org.


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