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Consumer Goods Healthcare

Policy Progress: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law Implementing European Standards in Technical Regulation

Policy Progress: The Parliament Adopted Draft Law Implementing European Standards in Technical Regulation

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine welcomes adoption of Draft Law #10183 on implementation of legislative acts of the European Union in the field of technical regulation (hereinafter – Draft Law) in the second reading.

Mentioned Draft Law is a precondition for the introduction of “industrial free regime“ with the EU. In addition, the Draft Law foresees that results of the assessment of conformity to the requirements of technical regulations, conducted in another state, are recognized and accepted in Ukraine. The latter is applied even if the conformity assessment procedures applied in this country provide the same or higher level of compliance with the requirements of the relevant technical regulations.

Adoption of this Draft Law also addresses the elimination of technical barriers to trade of medical devices and it is an important step for the further removal of doubling in technical regulations and conformity assessment, which in turn facilitates conducting economic activity in respective sphere. This Draft Law is also important for signing Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products agreement (ACAA).

Experts of the AmCham Working Group on Agricultural Machinery Issues actively participated in the process of finalization of Draft Law #10183 with the aim to simplify the agricultural machinery certification procedure in Ukraine. The business community is looking forward to proper practical implementation of the Draft Law’s provisions.

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