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Distributed Generation

Policy Progress: Draft Law regarding Extending the Commissioning Period of Renewable Energy Facilities Was Registered in the Parliament

Policy Progress: Draft Law regarding Extending the Commissioning Period of Renewable Energy Facilities Was Registered in the Parliament

AmCham Ukraine welcomes registration of Draft Law #8191 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine regarding Extending the Commissioning Period of Renewable Energy Facilities under Contracts for the Purchase and Sale of Electric Energy at the "Green" Tariff Concluded by December 31, 2019” (Draft Law) in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on November 8.

The Draft Law is aimed at enabling producers of electricity from alternative energy sources, who have entered contracts for the purchase and sale of electricity at a “green” tariff with the State Enterprise “Guaranteed Buyer”, to put renewable energy facilities into operation the implementation of which was suspended as a result of the full-scale military aggression of russia against Ukraine.

The Chamber member companies are grateful for this legislative initiative which will affect the preservation of the investment climate and support investors in the renewable energy industry during wartime.

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