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Ukraine: Amendments to Ukrainian Laws Concerning Employment of Persons with Disabilities

On 6 November 2022, Law No. 2682-IX of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Protection of Social, Labor and Other Rights of Individuals, Including During Martial Law, and Simplification of Accounting of Jobs for Disabled Persons" dated 18 October 2022 ("Law") came into effect. It aims to improve the conditions for the protection of individuals' rights to work and social protection.

Key changes

  • The provision that obliges employers to register with the Fund for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities and to file annual reports on employment of persons with disabilities has been cancelled.
  • There will be a direct exchange of information between the State Register for Mandatory State Social Insurance and the Fund for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities concerning workplaces for persons with disabilities.
  • There will be a new ground for inspections of employers, namely information received from the State Pension Fund of Ukraine regarding possible violations of the legislation on employment of persons with disabilities.
  • The Fund for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities will on its own identify the employers that have not met the quota for employment of persons with disabilities in the previous year and send the calculation of the relevant administrative fine to be paid in connection with the failure to meet the quota.

We recommend that employers consider the above legislative changes in their business activities.

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