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Starting from 2 December 2022, Imported Food in Ukraine Must Be Labelled in Ukrainian

On 9 March 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allowed to import into Ukraine foodstuffs and feedstuffs labelled in foreign languages. The decision was formalised by its Resolution No. 234 “On measures to ensure uninterrupted supply of imported foodstuffs and feedstuffs under martial law” was aimed to prevent the shortage of products in Ukraine.

On 19 August 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers made changes to its earlier decision. Its resolution No. 922 “On amending the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 234, dated 9 March 2022”, provides that: “foodstuff imported in Ukraine from 9 March to 1 December 2022 and labelled in any language other than the state one, may remain in circulation until either the end of its minimum shelf life or its ultimate date of consumption (date “to consume by”)”.

The Cabinet of Ministers, therefore, limited the period during which the foodstuff labelled in a foreign language can be imported into Ukraine (in particular, from 9 March to 1 December 2022). Meanwhile, after 1 December 2022, the imported foodstuff can remain in circulation until expiration of the minimum shelf life or the ultimate date of consumption.

The above amendments do not apply to feedstuff.

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