Sayenko Kharenko has acted as a subcontractor of a polish legal counsel – Rymarz Zdort that provided legal support for Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A. (“PGNiG”) during its acquisition of a controlling stake in Karpatgazvydobuvannya LLC from ERU Management Services LLC, the mother company of ERU Group (“ERU”).
Karpatgazvydobuvannya LLC is a Ukrainian project company holding a special permit for exploration and extraction of natural gas in the Byblivska area in Lvivska oblast of Ukraine near Ukraine’s border with Poland.
Sayenko Kharenko advised PGNiG on a range of complex issues, including due diligence, transaction documents, assisted in securing a merger clearance from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and assisted with completion of the transaction.
Sayenko Kharenko’s team involved in the transaction included: partners Nazar Chernyavsky, Maksym Nazarenko and Sergiy Smirnov, counsel Maryna Hritsyshyna, Ario Dehghani, Zlata Simonenko, Oleksiy Koltok and Iryna Bakina, senior associates Natalia Hutarevych, Mykhailo Grynyshyn, Igor Pomaz, Kateryna Utiralova, Sergey Protyven, as well as associates Zarina Khalimon, Kateryna Mytsykova, Yuliia Brusko and Zhanna Zayets.
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