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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Quarantine and Restrictions in Ukraine Have Been Extended

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ("CMU") has extended the restrictions imposed due to the quarantine and adopted a range of other measures.

Extension of the quarantine period and restrictions

The CMU by its Regulation No. 291 extended the quarantine, together with the previously imposed restrictions, until 11 May 2020.  As before: (i) business activities involving interactions with visitors require the use of masks and sanitizers and are limited to certain activities; (ii) regular and irregular passenger transportations by automobile transport (except for transportations by passenger cars), with exceptions, and transportations by railways are prohibited; (iii) holding public events is prohibited, etc.

Border crossing restrictions

The CMU by its Resolution No. 439-p dated 24 April 2020 extended restrictions on crossing the state border.  In particular, the state border crossing points for international passenger rail, air and bus traffic (with exceptions) are closed and foreigners and stateless persons are prohibited from entering Ukraine (with exceptions) until 11 May 2020.

Partial unemployment payments for the quarantine period

On 22 April 2020, the CMU by its Regulation No. 306 approved the procedure for granting partial unemployment payments for the quarantine period established by the CMU ("Payments").  Small- and medium-sized enterprises are entitled to receive Payments to provide them to employees in case of the suspension (reduction) of activities due to the quarantine, with certain exceptions.  Such Payments are made during the quarantine for the period of the suspension (reduction) of activities and for 30 days after the quarantine's completion, provided that the employer does not have single social contribution arrears for a certain period.

Impact on employers

Given the extension of both the quarantine and restrictions, employers should consider:

  • appointing employees to be responsible for preventive and anti-epidemic measures, the daily monitoring of restrictive measures and the prompt implementation of necessary measures;
  • transferring employees to a remote working regime, introducing a flexible working regime or implementing other changes to working terms, if they have not already done so;
  • discussing with employees the possibility of using annual vacation during the quarantine;
  • receiving partial unemployment payments for the quarantine period (if there are grounds), etc.

Information resources

The Coronavirus Resource Center provides key resources, legal alerts by jurisdiction and contacts in our offices who may provide any additional information.

The COVID-19 Global Employer Guide provides answers to the most popular questions from employers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  It covers 42 countries, including Ukraine.

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