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Aequo Won Final Victory in a Landmark Corvalol-Darnitsa Trademark Case

Aequo defended rights of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company in a dispute initiated by Farmak Joint Stock Company seeking invalidation of the trademark certificate for "Corvalol-Darnitsa" (Корвалол-Дарниця).

The dispute had a protracted procedural history. In July 2018, by the judgment of the Commercial Court of Kyiv City, subsequently upheld by the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, Farmak's claim was dismissed. Farmak initiated a review of the court judgment in favour of Darnitsa in view of newly discovered circumstances.

On 30 June 2022, the Supreme Court satisfied the cassation appeal of Darnitsa in full and reversed the ruling of the appellate instance.

“Given the procedural history of disputes between Darnitsa and Pharmak regarding Corvalol, the decision of the Supreme Court regarding the Corvalol-Darnitsa TM in this case puts an end to the opponent's baseless attempts to block Darnitsa's use of its trademark," – partner Tetiana Kudrytska

The case was handled by Aequo’s team of attorneys consisting of Tetiana Kudrytska and Dmytro Koroza.

About the firm

Aequo is one of Ukraine’s top law firms serving industry leaders in transactional and dispute resolution matters.

Aequo’s clients are leading Ukrainian and international companies and organizations, such as Bunge, Corteva, Darnitsa, DuPont, EBRD, EFSE, European Business Association, European Commission, Facebook, GlaxoSmithKline, Google, IFC, Inditex, Instagram, Kernel, Novo Nordisk, OLX, Posco International, ProCredit Bank, Schenker, Samsung, Sandvik, UniCredit, Vodafone Ukraine.

Aequo has been named Ukraine Law Firm of the Year by Chambers Europe Awards 2022, the Most Innovative Law Firm of the Year in Ukraine by IFLR Europe Awards 2018, and one of the most innovative law firms in Europe according to the FT Innovative Lawyers 2015-2021.

For additional information please contact Director of Marketing and PR Iulia Chervonookaya

by e-mail: chervonookaya@aequo.ua, or by phone +380 44 490 91 00

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