The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine recently passed a Resolution on reducing the moratorium on tax audits. At the same time, as of today, the transitional provisions of the Tax Code remain in force, which prohibits (with certain exceptions) conducting tax audits.
We invite you to delve deeper into the topic of tax audits of businesses during the quarantine period and learn how to protect your rights.
Questions for discussion during the webinar:
- The evolution of the moratorium on tax audits of businesses during quarantine.
- Resumption of tax audits by the Cabinet of Ministers: a whip or a gingerbread for taxpayers?
- Business actions in case of initiation of tax audit by taxpayers: to allow or not?
- Procedural aspects of inspection: conditions of admission, terms of carrying out, suspension.
- Powers of taxpayers, rights and obligations of the taxpayer during the audit.
- Registration and appeal of inspection results - how to use it to your advantage?
Tetyana Berezhna, Counsel, Tax Practice, Vasil Kisil & Partners
Dmytro Pernykoza, Senior Associate, Tax Practice, Vasil Kisil & Partners
You can register by following the link until March 9.
You can leave your questions on this topic in the registration form.
The organizers reserve the right to refuse registration.
If you have any questions, please contact Nataliia Hlukhenka, PR Assistant,, 044 581 77 77