The Roundtable Discussion was devoted to discussing the practical aspects of initiating PPP projects, opportunities for developing transport infrastructure through PPP mechanisms, and considering existing and potential models for financing PPP projects in the context of Ukraine’s recovery.
- MP Halyna Yanchenko, Head of the Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Investors’ Rights Protection
- Niko Gachechyladze, Director of the PPP Agency of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
- Taras Boichuk, Head of the Project Office for the PPP Development in Infrastructure “SPILNO”
- Oleksii Yudin, CEO, National Depository of Ukraine
- Olena Voloshyna, Head of International Finance Corporation in Ukraine
- Artem Gerganov, Chamber Banking & Finance Committee Co-Chair, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Citi Ukraine
- Oleksandr Saienko, Counselor, Georgian Industrial Group
- Roman Stepanenko, Partner, Asters